This is a site that will give you probably the most important information you will need in your life. The most important things in this life are (a) where you will go when you die – heaven or hell. (b) If you will continue to live on earth free from satans power until you die.
The fallen refers to people on earth who currently live under satans power. The relationship with satan is nothing like free people have with God, where he really doesn’t speak to you and you are not 100% sure if he is there. Satan is very real to the people under his power and speaks to them directly in their head. They know exactly who is speaking and there is no mistake what he is saying. If they try to break free or stray from him, he has the ability to cause terrifying conditions in their physical body. The most popular would be to block the wind pipe, so the person cannot breathe. If you ever experience it, you will never try to stray from him again. Despite this situation, these people manage to act normally in everyday life, so you would never suspect this is going on. It is paramount to satan that this remain a secret from those who are still free of him. If you are still a free person and know nothing of this, thank your lucky stars, and this site will help you stay that way, because some of these people will try to guide or lead you to where you will fall yourself into this trap. You should know that if you do get caught in this trap, Jesus cannot save you at this point and no prayer will work ( There's a room where the light won't find you - tears for fears ).
First thing to be aware of is how they fell in the first place. Probably the biggest trap is justice/revenge. If you kill or hurt someone for revenge/justice, you have just killed an innocent man. Ignorance is no excuse of the law. Yes it is an unfair trap but that is all satan does. All his traps are unfair. Next trap mainly for for men, would be sex. In particular, they will likely take you to a place of prostitution, where there are very beautiful ladies. Truly hard to resist, and hope you indulge. Ordinarily, if the girls were doing this of their own free will, then there would be nothing wrong with it. If you do it once and never go back again, you will probably be fine, but if you do it more than 3 times, sooner or later satan and his fellow evil spirits will begin to pull you under their power. The thinking may be that a good person at some point should start to consider the possibility they (prostitutes) are being coerced to do it. The process can be a long one, probably depends on how much of him was in you before he attacked. Could be an hour to 19 to 20 years, but at the end there will be no doubt you are under their power and will be so till you die and then go to hell. But even your life on earth will be a living hell till the end. Some though really do appear to be enjoying life hence the lyrics “they’re living it up at the hotel California” in the song Hotel California by the Eagles.
You will not believe the number of people (in your life) that are part of this situation. And in the world, even prominent people, political and religious leaders. While you are free, you will be surrounded by such people even in your family, and never know it until you fall. So if you ever see someone doing something incongruous that you cant really explain why, its very likely they are under satans power, no matter how honorable they have been before. A good example of an honorable man doing such is Colin Powel, when he “proved” weapons of mass destruction exist for Bush’s war in Iraq. Another example would be the Dalai lama, when he asked the little boy to suck his tongue. Under satans power, they have no choice but to do these things. Yet another example is how the US president and most of congress support Israels genocide, where a normal person would be against it and the whole world is protesting it. They are unable to change their position because satan will block their windpipe long enough to terrify them to comply with his will. Try living without air for 15 seconds and you will understand. Yes there is money involved too, but that is just normal satanic protocol. The money is not what really keeps them complicit. Take Netanyahu for instance, why would any human in their normal mind do these things and be so obdurate?
There are definitely other ways people fall into this trap besides Justice/revenge and sex with prostitutes, but I’m not too sure of them. If I were to guess, I would say money and power too are major baits. So for a woman, they could offer you a lot of money to have sex with a guy. Another possibility may be if you fall for the wrong person (under satans power) even when they have given signs that something is wrong. Also beware, men who want a bigger “thing”. I believe satan can give you one in exchange for your soul. If you start taking pills or anything else to increase the size, then without knowing it, you are negotiating with satan for a bigger one. It is not the pills or whatever that make it happen, it is satan. This is why a lot of fallen men have big ones, hence the term "hung like a heathen". Not only wanting a bigger one is a problem, but looking down on someone who has a smaller one (in fact I think this is the main problem). If indeed it is small, you need to know that when the time is right (on earth or in heaven) God will make the right size. Whatever the case, never accept it from the devil, and always be content with what you have. For women, I also believe satan can make a woman look more beautiful than she really is. The price again is her soul. I'm pretty sure they also use children to trap someone as a pedophile. I say this because I remember in my second year in America, while I was babysitting my niece, we were alone in the apartment, and playing around. Suddenly, and quite unexpectedly. she sat on top of me in a provocative way ( we were on the bed at that time ), and it was really weird. I have played with little girls before but anything like this never happened. It was really strange how it seemed she was trying to do things only adult women would do with a man. Her face still looked very innocent, like she had no clue what she was doing. I quickly removed her from me and went outside, and shortly after that returned her to her adoptive parents. At that time, I could not make any sense of it, and just brushed it off as something weird, but looking back now, I believe that was satans first attempt to trap me. Finally, I would stay away from drugs - another likely way ( suggested by the song "under the bridge". "Hotel California" also talks of drugs).
There are many popular songs that leave clues about this phenomenon (we could sing right out loud, the things we could not say - from "the sad cafe" by the Eagles). Here’s just a few:
Hotel California - Eagles
Stairway to Heaven - Led Zepplin. (Maybe the most relevant lyrics for this time)
Torture – The Jacksons
Self Control – Laura Branigan
End of the innocence - Don Henley
Africa - Toto
Everybody wants to rule the world – Tears for fears
Under the bridge - Red hot chili peppers
The house of the rising sun - The animals
Zombie - The cranberries
Hello - Adele
Heart of the Matter (Forgiveness) - Don Henley
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft - The Carpenters
Gangstas Paradise - Coolio
Dont Speak
I'll get out - Lauryn Hill
Jelly Roll has quite a few
Move Out (situation) - Yaz [ we are in this stage now ]
So there you have it. If you thought (like I did) that a person can start walking down the wrong path and at any point decide to turn his/her life around, then you are wrong. There is a point of no return, and it's sooner than you think. After that point, there is no way back.
Also if you thought judgement comes only after physical death (like the bible says), then you are wrong there too. If this happens to you, your judgement has come long before you die physically.
To summarize, we just need to avoid 6 traps - 1) revenge/justice 2) Sex with prostitutes, or anyone of dark spirit. 3) Worship of money. 4) Power. 5) Drugs. 6) For men, dick size. Anything else outside of this should be fine and you are heaven bound. I left out the obvious ones because I believe I am talking to normal people, not murderers or rapists or that type.
Things to note:
1) Watching porn alone will not get you into this trap, but it's still advisable to quit if you can find the will power. It took me 28 years to do so after more than 5 tries.
2) I believe the reason why satan speaks to his people telling them what to do, and God does not do the same with his people is, satan believes people are too stupid or undeserving to think for themselves, and conduct their lives. As such when he captures you, he speaks in your head telling you what to do. God on the other hand believes that people have been given what they need to think and conduct their lives without him telling us what to do. It is enough that his laws, and knowledge of good and evil are written in our hearts. To prove his point he does not speak in our head to tell us what to do. It seems unfortunate that satan seems to prove his point more often than he should, but that does not mean he is right at all. I personally believe humans have everything they need to conduct their lives without some higher spirit telling them what to do. Some will be smarter than others and hopefully those that are not as smart will trust and rely on smarter ones. It is the same with every other attribute we need to survive and thrive. Compassion is a big part of wisdom. It can work that way. This brings me to my favorite bible verse. “Be wise, my son, and bring joy to my heart, so that I can answer him who taunts me.” That explains it all. God put a lot of love and effort into creating such a wonderful world. You don’t want to do that for a bunch of goats. Update: I realize now this does not really apply to someone who has lost their free will, so please do not be offended. It's the way I saw it at the time. There will be no goats once satans power is broken. So "Be wise" applies only to me right now, but it will apply to everyone else once they begin to ascend.
3) Based on all this information, I now believe that events like 9/11, wars and natural disasters are all about making human sacrifices to satan and his demons. Not much different from the olden days when they openly practiced that. That is the reason such things will never cease until satan is removed from the earth.
4) Even though satan speaks to these people in their head, he still leaves them in the dark about many things, and in some cases misled. Most likely the higher in his organization you are, the more you know. He mostly controls them by misleading them with lies, thoughts and feelings they believe and act on, but when these are not enough, he can resort to force, by for example blocking the breathing or other terrifying conditions. He also has the option of completely possessing them to do something he wants done. This possession will last as long as needed to perform the act. They all know he has this ability and live in fear of him. Some are better at seeing through the lies and deception than others, which could explain why some appear to be good and on the right side of things, while others are much deeper in satanic ways. Unfortunately, he can force even the good ones to do something against their will, but it seems generally he doesn't do that. They do know they have to obey him if he tells them to do something.
5) It is very important to note that just because someone is under satans control, does not make them a bad person. Think of them as captives. I know this for sure as I was almost captured myself, and I know I'm not a bad person. If they do something bad or unexpected, its because satan compelled them to, against their own will, or indirectly because they have parts of his spirit within them (varying degrees in each person), that makes them do it (following their own will). So you can go on loving and working with them as you go along in life, with this understanding. My real hope is that these good ones will be delivered from satan eventually, and any with parts of satans spirit within naturally can go through a conscious process of eliminating those particular traits, until it is only godly elements in their spirit. It is no ones fault that satan planted some seeds in them before they were born. Examples of satans seeds are here. Nobody has all of them, but just some. Definitely don't think of them as enemy. If he is using one in a way you just cannot deal with, for your own good and theirs, block them with the knowledge you will reconnect once you know satan will not use them in that manner. I do know for sure now (in my case) they cannot be used to harm, kill me or anything. Thats one of the rules satan has to follow ( for someone not under his power ). Believe it or not, even the most evil person, just has a very severe case of satanitis, and it can be cured. Actually, I think this physical manifestation of our existence, has a case of satanitis too, that is why satan has access to effect things in this world. because it is not really governed by laws of science, but rather spiritual power. Satan still has quite a bit of that power. The ultimate endgame is to remove his power completely from our existence, and then we would have heaven on earth for all on earth. There is proof of a plan that sounds like universal salvation in the bible. "And this is the will of God, that I should not lose even one of all those he has given me, but that I should raise them to eternal life at the Last Day".
6) Straight sex really is a good thing. It's one of the best gifts God gave to mankind. Satan just turned it into a trap. Stick to people of good spirit and you should be fine. Naturally you will love whoever you are having sex with. The best way to show you really appreciate a gift is to enjoy it. The more the giver (God) sees you enjoying his gift, the more love he feels himself. But it's very important that your joy is sincere. There is one satanic trait I call "Bondage by love", some believe they have to punish themselves in order not to offend the gift giver. God will never be offended if you sincerely don't like what he gives you, and neither should any good person. Thats the way love goes. You feel a great deal of joy when someone really appreciates your gift. As they say, there is greater joy in giving than receiving. Homosexuality comes from satan. He has the ability to put the gay spirit on anyone. Again not saying they are bad, but satan is the cause. The gay spirit is very strong. I know because I experienced it too during my 18 year war with satan. I was surprised how far he got with me, having gay thoughts that were never there before, but in the end it was all reversed completely.
7) Though I consider my victory over satan complete, he still has a little power in my life. I would say maybe 5%, where he needs maybe 30% to take control. A couple things he is still able to do - a) block a particular word or name in my memory - something I should find easy to remember, he can block it so I cant recall. In recent times the memory does come through after a minute or so, so I am seeing improvement in this area. b) wink my eye when I am about to sleep. So the story behind winking the eye, I met someone twice since things began, who seems to be satans representative on earth. It was different physical people (men) both times, but he identifies himself by winking his eye in a particular manner, like you should know him from before you were born. Toward the end of my war with satan he was also able to wink my own eye at night when I'm laying in bed trying to sleep. I think he does it to scare me, but I'm never worried really as I know its harmless ( I know he knows because he is in my mind and knows my every thought and feeling ), and instead think he is an idiot for continuously trying futile things. But what do I really know. He has captured so many people. UPDATE: He really is an idiot. All doubt about that is now removed. Unbelievable idiot.
8) They can completely control any electronic device from the spirit world. Even mechanical ones too, like a car, even completly rearrange any physical location or make something dissapear completely (only while you are not watching). Actually they can also do it while you are watching like in certain magic acts theres no other possible explanation for it.
9). It appears from observation, that though satan may override their will occasionally, they are free to follow their own will much of the time, as long as they stay within the boundaries satan has set. This is one of the reasons they appear normal as though they are not under satans control.
10). I did not include this in my list, but do not join the army. It is very unwise in todays world. You will only be a puppet of other puppets of satan. Even the police is bad. This of course assumes you have your free will and satan cannot force you.
11) I have a suspicion that if you get captured by satan, then you will go into a mode of continuous reincarnation on earth. I say this because of when Jesus said "And I say to you, make friends for yourselves by unrighteous mammon, that when you fail, they may receive you into an everlasting home." This idea is also supported by the lyric in "Hotel California" that say "you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave". Even if you die or commit suicide, you will be right back in the hotel. At the end of time, most likely when its time for satan to be cast into hell, if you are not freed from him by then or naturally prefer to go with him, is when you will go with him. But until then, it is continuous existence on earth under satans power. This may also explain why some children are under his power (from birth). They were captured maybe as adults in their first life. Those that never stray into satans trap, or somehow escape him after stepping into it, will go to heaven after their first life.
If you think about it, life on earth, or in our current physical existence, can be really good. Maybe even better than heaven, which is a spiritual place. The experience is more real (maybe). If that is the case, then I understand why there is the idea of the resurrection. The way I think it works then, is if you die today, and you have not been captured by satan, then you will go to heaven ( in spirit ). When the time comes (satan is completely removed from this physical existence), you will then be resurrected back in your physical self on earth ( a fuller experience of sensibilities ). I expect for those captured by satan, many will be freed from him and given a chance to purify their spirit with new understanding, to the point where there are no satanic elements left in them, and share in the resurrection.
In the resurrection, you may wonder “what about ugly people? Or dwarfs”. I believe there will be no such thing, and my explanation is this: As I mentioned above, if what Jesus said is true, then it means those captured by satan go into a mode of reincarnation here on earth. In their first life, when they were captured, they were not ugly or dwarfs or anything undesirable. Satan can in your subsequent lives, make you ugly or a dwarf or anything else he wants, and its not necessarily because you were bad in the previous life. Knowing him it would be more likely you did not cooperate well with him, so it could be the more godly ones in his captivity he would make physically undesirable ( I’m speculating, but it makes sense ). Anyway, if you are saved in the end, in the resurrection, you will be recreated at least as you were in your first life. Therefore no ugliness, dwarfs, or anything undesirable (including homosexuality). The actual mechanism for resurrection could be child birth. You will just be born in the form you were in your first life and at a certain age you would stop aging. Another possibility is that your looks will be made to match your inner beauty. Also it could be a combination of these - you will start in the form of your first life and continue to look better as you purify. This is just speculation too, but seems to make sense.
12) By the way, if you do step into satans trap and he starts the process of pulling you in under his power, suicide is not the way out. Only option is to take your chance fighting for your soul. My suspicion regarding this is that if you go yourself to death, it will be very painful/unbearable. If however, you let satan bring death to you, magically, it will be relatively painless. I could be wrong, but thats what I think. And besides it makes sense. If you take yourself out, he has no debt on it, he got you free. If he takes you then he is responsible for it.
13) I believe it applies to everyone, that just before you were born, satan was able to plant some of his seeds in you (your spirit). "Because a vision softly creeping, Left its seeds while I was sleeping" - From "sounds of silence" By Simon and Garfunkle. Satans seeds are contrary to the understanding and nature of a Godly spirit. As a result of this, almost all are likely to fall into his traps once in the world, and also commit serious sins because of these satanic elements in their spirit. Some got more than others. I believe God understands that it is not anyones fault that satan planted these seeds in them, that’s why I think the plan is to get to a point where everyone has their free will back (satan cannot force them anymore) and a chance to purify their spirit, by removing satanic traits (knowing what to throw away, knowing what to keep - the gambler, Kenny Rogers). I don’t know if everyone will succeed in this, but the idea is closer to universal salvation than what is more popular teachings today. Satan on the other hand is very guilty and should be shut out of the earth and heaven for ever. The only person who was exempt would be Jesus. This may explain why his birth process was different. To bypass the means by which satan can plant his seeds. There is a smaller percentage of people that had low amounts of satans seeds, with good understanding and ability to see through most of satans lies, giving them a likely chance to succeed. the Bible refers to such as “the elect”. They are not really special or better than anyone else, just lucky to be chosen for this role.
14) At the end of the day, I think the answer to why this process exists is that humans just have to suffer a bit, because evil does exist and there is nothing anyone can do about that. One way to look at it is, there is darkness naturally, and there is light. If God says he is the Alpha, then he is the first light in the world and the first to conquer the darkness. We also coming into the world, have to conquer the darkness to come to the light. Once this process of suffering is over, we are completely separated from evil and there is no more suffering for eternity, but joy. The suffering is not Gods will or decree, its just the only way to bring us to paradise. In a sense we all have to fight for it. So Jesus alone cannot pay for everyone. In a way we all pay a part. Why would you be happy that someone died to pay for you? And that same person paid for everybody. Wouldn’t you rather pay yourself if you can? Spread the load a little. Jesus only real mission on earth was to bring new information we needed at the time, and possibly to allow for some people with similar spirit to be born in the earth. "Very truly, I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds”. Without this process, the victory would not be possible. He had to pay a price in order to do that and that is why he was killed, so in that sense he did die for us all. The point I’m making is we all still have to pay something to the victory.
15) Satan knows humans are not stupid at all. He knows it is his seeds in you that allow him to play around with you like a rat. Once his seeds are removed, (in an environment where he can no longer use force to control you), he will appear stupid and easy to defeat to you, just as he does to me now.
16) The bible is not perfect at all. Satan will like you to believe that because many of his lies and doctrine are in there. Gods word really is in the bible, you just have to fish it out and ignore the rest. (Knowing what to throw away, knowing what to keep - The gambler, Kenny Rogers). This applies just about everywhere else. Here is a list of lies/false doctrine I compiled so far. If I had to list them all, it would be too long, but some really important ones are here. Knowing this now, there is possibility some of the things written in Revelation may not happen at all. (I'm just raising the possibility to keep your mind open, but don't call me out if they all do). Satan does love drama. And he knows you do too, so you are likely to follow enthralled. If all are currently captured/in hell with him, what is a beast going to do? Take them further into hell? Can he be worse than satan himself?
17) Many people do not realize that what God wants is not your worship, but your love. That is why the commandment says “love God with all your heart”, and not “worship God … “. Your love for God shows in your love for his creations. All these things are manifestation of his love for you, and reflection of his spirit. Love not the world is speaking of satans spirit in the world. Have no other God before me is protecting you from satan, and other malicious entities, or items that are just his creation, not really jealousy (that I think is satans influence in the Bible). So don’t think you are fooling anyone, including yourself by going to church to worship, when in your nature and interactions outside of that, you are not practicing love. To be honest, worship just seems like trying to curry favor. It does make
sense however to be in awe of Gods greatness, and mostly love for you. That is the only thing I could really consider true worship, which again is just true love.
18) As far as how much of the world is under satans control now, I don't really know, but there are 2 possibilities. a) its over 95% b) I am the only one free ( I have not yet encountered another soul that is not in the trap. If you are free, please reach out to me. It would be nice to know theres someone else. I know those in captivity are not allowed to ): Update - its over now. I was the only one. I think anyone could have defeated him easily, if they had the chance to turn around at any point down the road they realized they were going down the wrong path. Further proof of very unfair tactics. In due time, he will release everybody. Maybe God knew there was no chance of failure, but I had no idea.
19) As far as ascension plans, most likely, the ones in captivity that are closer to God, will naturally break free first, and others will follow according to their degree of godliness.
20) As we uncoil satans tail, use this guiding principle on your way, because he will throw very sophisticated lies, feelings and apparitions before you, especially in your waking (not really conscious) moments. - Walk through the fear, until you are free, they will also use other emotions like anger or his usual blocking of your memory and his usual unfair tactics trying to deceive you. Regarding anger, remember what I said about revenge/justice being the number one trap. Do you wonder why in a dream, if someone offends you and you want to strike them hard physically, it is impossible? They are preventing you with good reason. Let it go. Its been the hardest lesson for me. As far as things not working, just as sometimes, things that should work, do not work in a dream, it will be so sometimes in your reality, until you are fully awake. Regarding unfair tactics, just keep trying different things until one works. Sometimes you will just have to wait till that particular thing is unlocked. If you go looking for something and its not where it used to be, dont worry, just wait or try again another time. If you are trying to do something that should be really simple, but strangely its very difficult, leave it. You should be able to let go of things and move on to something else. You will find that sometimes when you let go of an injustice he does to you, you get a blessing in another way you are not thinking of, that lessens his power over you. Always remember, only satan is your enemy, not your fellow man. But he will use people around you so that you believe they have some opinion of your actions like its ridiculous or confused. even though you know its just puppetiering by satan, its still hard to make that connection so what I do is just believe they are idiots that know nothing, that helps block them out. Anything negative in your mind is satan, though it feels very much like you. When you are almost separated, it will be somewhat obvious those are him, not you. Where he can cause you unbearable pain, just find a way to mitigate it. For instance when he could make me bite my tongue, I first started defending by using a white sock to wrap my tongue. Later I got a teeth guard from my dentist and in combination with some paper towel, I could block completely from causing any pain when I bite. If in the midst of trying to deceive you, he shows you the right way, take it once you recognize it. He is hoping you will reject it thinking since its coming from him it is deceit. Finally, a very important step at the last phase of your freedom effort, read what I wrote in the "Bible lies" link, about humans authority to insult satan. When you are very sure you are free of his power to physically hurt you, you will have to begin to insult him in the remaining things he will be doing in your surroundings. If you don't insult him sincerely, there will still be some of his power (fear) in you. You will never ascend completely that way. You will find the more you insult him, the more your power and freedom grows. He is truly an inferior being, that just happened to get power in a place you never should have been in the first place. Just be very sure you are past his ability to hurt you badly before you begin insulting him. I'm sure you will have a good sense of it like I did. There will likely be some vomiting around the end. That is almost a sure sign you are pretty much free. At the point where satan can no longer force you, the saying now applies to you "Be wise, my son, and bring joy to my heart, so that I can answer him who taunts me".
21) I think I put my finger on satans quality I call “inability to change”, which is the only thing that keeps him in hell. Because the idea of domination is at the core of his being, which also explains his fear of losing. With all the particular traits I listed in my “heads of satan” document, he is guaranteed to be the top dominator. Meaning it is rigged for him, like a dictator for life. If he changes, he will no longer be the top dominator. When the cancer is removed, God will decide what to do with it. Another observation I made is that he has a very acute inability to distinguish between something that is funny and something that is serious. Comedy, tragedy, its all the same to him, and there is no way he can control that.
22)The war between good and evil has been won long ago. As God says, I am the alpha. He was the first by defeating satan. It does not take God or Jesus or even an Angel to defeat satan. Even a human (as I have just shown) can do so. The only reason I had to be raised up further at the end was to free the others, otherwise I had already defeated satan. Also as I mentioned earlier, anyone at all would defeat him if it were a fair fight. The reason for it then is as mentioned already, man just had to suffer a bit to get to paradise. And now we begin ascension, as we uncoil the long tail of satan.
23) If you read this site and found it interesting/informative, please check it again in about 1 month, as I am still discovering things and adding information as I go along.
24). This site was first launched in June of 2023. Last updated January 6 2025.
My people perish for lack of knowledge
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